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Benefits of Joining the Sam Rayburn Association
The purpose of the
Sam Rayburn Association (SRA) is to provide former crew members the opportunity to attend reunions and to provide a means for shipmates to keep in touch with one another through newsletters, emails, and/or phone calls.To become an SRA member, one must have served aboard the USS Sam Rayburn (SSBN 635) during new construction or during her active service as a commissioned vessel of the U.S. Navy and are either on active duty, retired or have been separated under Honorable conditions. Family members of deceased Sam Rayburn shipmates and MTS graduates can also join the SRA as an Associate Member.
Shipmates will be considered members of the SRA upon receipt of their annual dues. The SRA bylaws state that "Dues shall cover the period from 1 January to 31 December each year, and will be paid in two (2) year increments to coincide with the reunion schedule." To join, send a check for $30.00 payable to the "Sam Rayburn Association", along with a filled in Crew Member Data Sheet, to the SRA Treasurer. CLICK HERE to obtain a data sheet. Mail the check and data sheet to Dalton Duncan, 1090 Inverness Avenue, Melbourne, FL 32940-1913. The Treasurer will forward your Crew Member Data Sheet to the SRA Database Manager, Debi Cabello, for you to be entered in the database.
The advantage of becoming a member of the SRA is the right to vote in all matters pertaining to the SRA including location and time frame of future reunions as well as receiving the periodic newsletter, the Sam Rayburn Sentinel. Registration fees for the member and his spouse are waived for the next reunion. Of course, the obvious advantage is getting in touch and being able to talk to guys that you haven’t seen or spoken to for years and meeting new friends at the reunions.
The information in the SRA Database is subject to the privacy act of 1974 and copies of the crew members directory will not be shared with Sam Rayburn shipmates. To contact a shipmate, send an email to the Database Manager, Debi Cabello at dacabello@msn.com, identifying the person you wish to contact. The Database Manager will contact that individual and ask them to contact you.